Somo wa Viwawa-Upanga

Somo wa Viwawa-Upanga

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lent is a time to give up selfishness

Pope says following pattern of Christ's death leads to change of heart and life.

papacauresma300In his lenten message to Catholics Pope Benedict XVI said Lent is a time to give up selfishness and attachment to possessions. “The greed of possession leads to violence, exploitation and death,” he said, adding that during lent the Church emphasizes the practice of almsgiving which is really a form of practicing sharing.

Pope Benedict also said a good way to prepare for Easter is by using the Word of God, the bible. Reading the bible and meditating on God's Word. The Gospel readings for the Sundays of Lent, he said, “leads us to a particularly intense encounter with Christ.”

Lent Gospels
He said the reading for the first sunday reveals the human condition. Jesus battles his own temptations and through that battle christians are able to see their own human weakness and need for Grace.

On the second Sunday of Lent the Gospel focuses on the transfiguration and not only foreshadows the resurrection, but makes the Christian community aware that Christ is its leader. It is also an invitation to take a step back from the business of everyday life and immerse oneself in God's presence.

The third Sunday of Lent features the story of the Samaritan woman. Pope Benedict said this Gospel illustrates God's passion for humankind, for all men and women. It also reminds that only God can statisfy and fill the emptiness that so many modern men and women feel.

The fourth Sunday of lent focuses on the healing of the blind man. This healing shows that Christ does not just want to physicaly heal, but shed light in the dark corners of people's lives. Through that light of truth he calls everyone to live as “children of the light”.

Pope Benedict said the story of Lazarus which is featured on the fifth Sunday of Lent puts the resurrection front and centre. The raising of Lazarus from the dead is Christ's way of saying, “I am the resurrection, do you believe this?” It is the moment the Christian community places all their hopes in Christ.

Pattern of His death
Following the “pattern of His death” by meditating on God's word and changing out lives accordingly, causes a conversion in us. Easter truly becomes a new beginning as Christians reach the Tridiuum changed by following Christ's example.


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